Career Resources

Embassy of Sweden in Pretoria: Impact Entrepreneurship Programme 2024

Apply now for the Embassy of Sweden in Pretoria Impact Entrepreneurship Programme 2024.

Closing date: 31 May 2024

If you work with entrepreneurs and are passionate about sustainable development, this leadership programme is for you. Here are three reasons why you should apply:

1️⃣ Gain new perspectives from collaborating with impact entrepreneurs from across the world.
2️⃣ Inspired to cultivate change and drive action in sustainable development
3️⃣ Expand your skillset through capacity-building masterclass.
4️⃣ Week-long field visit to Sweden

About the Impact Entrepreneurship Programme

Are you dedicated to nurturing and growing the ecosystem for impact entrepreneurship?

Impact Pioneers is a leadership programme that welcomes you to exchange experiences with an international network of peers and gain first hand insights and experience from Sweden’s most successful impact entrepreneurship leaders and environments.

The programme mixes online learning modules with a one-week onsite summit in Stockholm.

Who can apply?

The application is open to entrepreneurship ecosystem leaders and practitioners who work in organizations and networks that want to develop their support for entrepreneurs with businesses related to sustainablility and green transition. More specifially, we imagine applicants to work as:

  • Startup hub/accelerator/incubation founders and managers
  • Tech and innovation hub founders and managers
  • University accelerator/incubator managers
  • Public sector employees involved in work that supports impact entrepreneurship

The application is open to 22 programme countries (applicants must be a citizen and resident of one of them):

AFRICA: Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia
ASIA: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
EUROPE: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine*

*Ukrainian applicants who reside outside of Ukraine are also eligible to apply.

Application requirements

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a citizen and resident of one of the 22 programme countries
  • Work in an organisation or business systematically working to nurture and grow entrepreneurs.
  • Have the mandate to develop new international partnerships for your organisation/business.
  • Have a good working knowledge of both written and spoken English.
  • Be willing to actively participate, provide support and share their experience and knowledge with other participants.
  • Have identified opportunities and challenges that could be worked on during the programme to help their organisation improve its contribution to the local entrepreneurship ecosystem

An applicant’s home organisation/business must also meet the following requirements:

  • Be locally owned and based in one of the programme countries.
  • Be somehow hosting/coaching (or be in the process of starting up hosting/coaching of) entrepreneurs with business ideas that are related to sustainability and green transition.
  • Run the organization/business with focus on contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.

How to Apply

Programme timeline 2024

  • Late August/early September: Kick-off and weekly online activity/sessions
  • 21-25 October (excluding travel days): 1 week onsite experience in Stockholm, Sweden
  • Early November: End of weekly online activity/sessions (collaboration/exchange to continue in other ways)
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