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News24’s Young Mandelas of the Future 2024 | Here’s how to enter

Nominations have opened for News24’s Young Mandelas of the Future, an annual newsroom initiative that recognises young South Africans who are making a positive impact on our country. 

As citizens prepare to celebrate the life and legacy of world icon Nelson Mandela on 18 July, we are looking for young South African changemakers who are, in their own unique ways, championing Madiba’s dream of a united South Africa where compassion, equality, freedom and opportunity reign. 

News24’s Young Mandelas project was launched by the publication five years ago to mark Mandela’s centenary birthday. We set out to find a new generation of leaders who are taking South Africa forward.

Here are the six categories for Young Mandelas 2024: 

  • Climate Literacy and Sustainability

Any young person who is playing a significant role in responding to the impact of climate change, including efforts and activities that focus on mitigation, adaption, and education.

  • Social Justice

Any young person who is advocating for social justice causes and systemic change, including initiatives and movements related to equal education, LGBTQI+ inclusion, gender, and racial equality, and more. 

  • Innovation

Any young person who is taking steps to create and develop impactful offerings such as products, services, processes, technologies, and business opportunities. 

  • Mental Health 

Any young person who is creating awareness about mental health or providing support services that are addressing issues such as stigma and limited access to care.   

  • Humanitarism

Any young person who is using the resources at their disposal to serve and uplift local communities, including community-based projects, social initiatives or movements which are combating poverty, unemployment, and inequality. 

  • Deepening Democracy

Any young person who is creating platforms and opportunities to strengthen and revitalise democratic values without political affiliation, including electoral education, voting rights, civic engagement, and the rule of law. 


If you or someone you know are making a meaningful contribution to any of these areas, please submit your nomination by filling out this form.

In addition to filling in the form, entrants MUST send a high-res profile photo of the person nominated via email to [email protected]

An application will only be regarded as complete once the form is completed and the profile photo submitted. 

Only South Africans citizens, aged 35 and younger, will be eligible for consideration for the Young Mandelas of 2024 list.

Please note that entries close on Friday, 5 July at 23:59. 

A panel of judges will make the final selection of Young Mandelas to be published on Mandela Day (Thursday, 18 July). 

News24 will accept more than one nomination per person and entrants are allowed to nominate themselves. We look forward to receiving your submission, enter today! 

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