
South African Road Federation Bursaries 2024 (Diploma, Undergraduate and Postgraduate)

Bursary Overview

The South African Road Federation offers bursaries to suitably qualified individuals wishing to undertake further education or training in disciplines applicable to the road transport sector.

Closing date: 31 August 2024

The following categories of study will be considered:


This includes:

  • Traffic engineering
  • Transportation planning
  • Pavement engineering
  • Bridge engineering
  • Construction Materials
  • Storm water.
  • Environment
  • Construction management




Selection Criteria

Bursaries are awarded for study at an approved South African university, University of Technology or equivalent.

Bursaries are awarded to National Diploma students after having passed their first semester (S1) examination and to the Degree students after having passed their first-year examinations.

Everything being equal, preference will be given to employees of members of the South African Road Federation.

South African residents will be given preference however individuals from SADC countries are invited to apply.

Bursars will be expected to:

  • enroll as associate (i.e. individual) members of the SARF (approximate annual subscription: R730)
  • submit six-monthly reports of study progress
  • be prepared to make a presentation to his/her local branch of the Federation on the subject of his/her study on a mutually convenient occasion.


Study at an advanced level is preferred, i.e., M.Sc., M. Tech. or above.  However, applications at undergraduate level may be considered in special circumstances.

Full time study will be given preference but applications for part-time study or distance learning will also be considered.

All applications must be endorsed by the appropriate academic authority at the establishment where the applicant proposes to study.

The value of the bursary will depend upon the needs of the applicant and the decision of the Council of the Federation. However, it is intended to supplement the student’s other finances and will not be sufficient to cover all expenses.  It will be paid directly to the academic institution concerned on the bursar’s behalf.

How to Apply

Complete and submit this BURSARY APPLICATION FORM.

Applications must satisfy Council to an extent which is reasonable that they will be working within the ambit of the South African road transport industry on completion of their studies.

APPLICATIONS – close on 31 August 2024

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